Place a Reader Ad


Click on the appropriate Reader Ad button above. If you are a dentist or staff member advertising a personal need (buying or selling a practice, looking for an associate or a job, selling an item, etc) use the Free Reader Ad Form. Dentists & staff receive the first 20 words (up to 120 characters) in one region (northern or southern California editions) free, there is a ten dollar fee for statewide ad placement. Reader ads are limited to a maximum of 65 words. Dentists and staff may place up to 15 free ads per month, after 15 you must use the Commercial Reader Form and pay the minimum $20. per ad fee. If you are not a dental professional and/or wish to promote a company, use the Commercial Reader Ad Form for Businesses. You will pay $20 for the first 120 characters or less. If you are a dentist placing an ad that directs readers to a real estate agent, practice broker or commercial business, you must use the Commercial Reader Ad form. If respondents are directed to contact you, then the ad is free.

After you select the appropriate form, you must create a new account BEFORE you can place an ad for the first time. When creating your account, register using the same address as the billing address on the charge card you’ll be using. You must complete the entire registration form with valid information (full legal name, no aliases, or empty fields) or your advertising will not be printed. We do not publish ads submitted anonymously. Be sure to select a USERNAME and PASSWORD that you can easily remember.

Once you’ve created a new account, you need to LOGIN. After you have logged in successfully, you can place your Reader Ad.

Click on the appropriate Reader Ad form link, type in your ad (DO NOT COPY & PASTE) and be sure to include your contact information (phone #, fax, email, etc) in your ad copy and select the region you wish it to run, (you receive one region free, there is a small fee to run your ad statewide) the category that best fits your ad and add any formatting upgrades you may want. Proof it before submitting and make sure your contact information (phone number, web or email address, etc) is correct. Ads that do not contain contact information will be deleted. You may submit the ad to run up to 11 months automatically and/or run multiple times within the same issue.

If your ad incurs a charge, you must now pay for the placement. You must CHECK OUT in order to place your ad.

You must CHECK-OUT by clicking on the PLACE THIS AD button in order for the charge to be processed. Review the charges and ad copy in your Shopping Cart, then hit Proceed with Ad Placement. Now choose your desired payment method and hit Place Order. (Note: if paying by check your payment must be received within seven days of placement and before the deadline on the 10th of the month or your ad will be deleted.) Check to make sure your ad appears on the AD BOARD.

When submitted successfully, your ad will appear on the AD BOARD immediately. Please always double check the AD BOARD to confirm your ad was processed.

You may place one free ad per item/need per month limited to 15 free ads per edition. After placing 15 ads you must use the Commercial Reader Ad form and pay the minimum $20 It is Dental Trader policy to delete all redundant free reader ads immediately. Warnings may sent to those who violate this policy and should a person continue to place several redundant free reader ads, the Dental Trader reserves the right to reject all free advertising from the violator and remove him or her from the mailing list.

Please Note: We do NOT accept Reader Ads by phone.

Should you achieve your advertising goal (sell your practice, locate an associate, etc) from response to your ad on the Ad Board, you may delete your ad by logging into “My Account”, then finding the ad and clicking “Delete Ad” before the deadline. Once your ad appears on our Ad Board, ad fees are nonrefundable and once published, all ads will remain in our archives indefinitely.

Commercial advertisers caught fraudulently using the Free Reader Ad Form may be added to The Dental Trader ALERT NOTICE in cases of habitual abuse after receiving warnings of their policy violations.
